Codevision is a research and development organization
specializing in artificial intelligence.

CoVi AI Technology

Codevision develop AI technologies such as detection,
recognition, estimation, and other AI technologies.

We serve it as embedded or cloud services
and thus make models lightweight, optimized, and advanced.

경량화, 최적화 및 고도화 작업 테이블

Key Reference

  • Image-based defect detection
    • Case

      Solar panel defect detection project

    • Keys

      AI Edge Computing, high detection accuracy, optimized for target platforms, lightweight CNN-based object detection.

  • Real-time object recognition
    • Case

      Mobility occupant recognition and indoor analysis

    • Keys

      Recognizing user riding, detecting driver and pet dogs,
      Constructed to be optimized on embedded settings in mobility indoor environment

  • Multi-sensor analysis and anomaly detection
    • Case

      Underwater monitoring and red-green algae prediction using marine robots

    • Keys

      Construct deep learning networks by multivariable time series from sensors
      Red algae probability prediction and Chlorophyll concentration prediction,
      time series predictions over the period